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Last updated: June 14, 2024.

THE NORWEGIAN SHORT FILM FESTIVAL («KFF,» «we,» «us,» «our») is a foundation subject to Norwegian law with registration number 971 259 272 and registered address at Dronningens gate 16, 0152 Oslo, Norway.

The Norwegian Short Film Festival owns and operates the website kortfilmfestivalen.no, where we offer information about short films and the opportunity to watch short films. In this context, we also sell tickets on our website through a third party, Checkin.no. In connection with our website, we process personal data in a manner and for purposes described in this privacy policy.

If you have any questions regarding this policy or our use of your personal data, you can contact us at:

The Norwegian Short Film Festival
Dronningens gate 16,
0152 Oslo, Norway.
Reg. no. 971 259 272
Email: kortfilm@kortfilmfestivalen.no

This policy provides information on how we process your personal data when you interact with The Norwegian Short Film Festival.

By responsibly using personal data collected from our website, we believe we can offer the best conditions for tailoring the website to our users/customers. This document explains how we collect and use your personal data when you are logged in to kortfilmfestivalen.no.

Personal data is any information related to an identified or identifiable private person. An identifiable private person is someone who can be recognized, directly or indirectly, via a reference such as a name, identification number, or one or more elements unique to identifying a private person.

The personal data we collect from/about you will be used for various purposes related to your use of kortfilmfestivalen.no. If you do not provide us with the necessary personal information, our ability to fulfill these purposes will be limited.

When you use our website, The Norwegian Short Film Festival may collect the following personal data:

  • Full name
  • Contact information (address, email, phone number, etc.)
  • Reference number/customer number
  • Details about customer behavior and patterns

We use your personal data to meet the needs described below.

  • Administration – Establishing and maintaining your relationship with The Norwegian Short Film Festival.
  • Compliance with Laws and Regulations – We use your data to comply with laws and regulations that The Norwegian Short Film Festival is subject to in connection with the operation of the business.

The Norwegian Short Film Festival does not use your personal data to make decisions based on automated processing, including profiling.

The Norwegian Short Film Festival is committed to ensuring that the personal data we process is always updated and correct. Therefore, we ask you to always update your personal information if changes have occurred. This way, we can ensure that your personal data is always correct and up to date.

We process your general personal data based on one of the following legal grounds:
(i) in connection with legitimate interests, e.g., the purposes described above; (ii) to fulfill a legal obligation imposed on The Norwegian Short Film Festival; (iii) additionally, there may be situations where we process your personal data in the legitimate interest of a third party concerning the purposes described above, unless your interests are overridden by the interests of the third party.

The Norwegian Short Film Festival only discloses your personal data if necessary to achieve the company’s purposes, including fulfilling the purposes described above.

The Norwegian Short Film Festival may also disclose and/or transfer your personal data to other suppliers and/or service providers in connection with the general purpose of the company (The Norwegian Short Film Festival), for example, related to external administration of our IT system, analytics, marketing, debt collection, credit assessment, auditing, legal assistance, etc.

The Norwegian Short Film Festival strives to limit the disclosure of personal data in a pseudonymized manner as far as possible.

The Norwegian Short Film Festival does not share your personal data unless it is necessary for our operation or to meet your needs.

The Norwegian Short Film Festival does not transfer your personal data to countries outside the EU/EEA.

Personal data is only stored for the necessary period in which it was initially collected, unless further storage is required to comply with claims under Norwegian law, including statutory storage periods for bookkeeping, etc.

The Norwegian Short Film Festival’s policy is to protect customers’ personal data by taking adequate technical and organizational security measures. When your personal data is no longer needed, we guarantee that it will be securely deleted.

You have the right to assert your rights under applicable data protection law at any time.

You can, among other things, request information about the personal data that The Norwegian Short Film Festival has about you and how these are processed by us. You also have the right to object to your personal data being used in direct marketing. Additionally, you can request correction or deletion of any stored information about yourself that is incorrect, and thus exercise your right to data portability, cf. Section 5.

If you wish to exercise one or more of your rights, please contact us at kortfilm@kortfilmfestivalen.no. Your inquiry will be handled in accordance with applicable data protection legislation.

Complaints about The Norwegian Short Film Festival regarding our processing of your personal data can be sent to the Norwegian Data Protection Authority:

Data Protection Authority
Tollbugata 3
0152 Oslo
Email: postkasse@datatilsynet.no

The Norwegian Short Film Festival evaluates and updates its privacy policy on a regular basis. You should therefore check the privacy policy regularly for any changes that may affect the processing of your personal data.


We want to make participants visible to each other and facilitate contact between participants. Being on the participant list is optional. Consent is obtained, among other things, when purchasing a festival pass or accreditation.

Data Collected About Participants

  • Full name
  • Company, organization, and/or film
  • Email

Where Is the Data Stored?

  • Checkin.no
  • Short Film Festival’s WordPress

How Long Is the Data Stored?

  • Data on WordPress is stored for 9 months.
  • Data with Checkin is stored according to Checkin’s own privacy policy, which can be found here.


Access to the participant page is sent out along with the festival pass and accreditation. Only those who have purchased a festival pass or are accredited will have access as a third party.

Everyone working in the administration of The Norwegian Short Film Festival has access to this information.

Withdrawal of Consent

Withdrawal of consent can be done by email to samtykke@kortfilmfestivalen.no.

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