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When Paula’s painful breakup with Raúl causes her to stop seeing his son Dani, Paula will have no choice but to challenge a hypocritical legal system that ignores the custody rights of a loving, non-biological parent.

Attached Regissør Yolanda Centeno

Yolanda Centeno

Yolanda Centeno has a double degree in Mass Media and Advertising, and a Master in Marketing and Innovative Communication from Spain. As the recipient of several Spanish awards for young creative talents, she has worked for prestigious international advertising agencies. In 2010, Yolanda was granted a scholarship to take her Master of Fine Arts degree in New York and Los Angeles (Universal Studio Campus). Her thesis film Zugzwang screened at more than 250 film festivals, receiving multiple awards. She is an alumni of CIMA IMPULSA; a CIMA, Netflix and ICAA sponsored program supporting female directors in the industry, and she is currently developing her first feature, Tras el verano.

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