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The winner of the Spark Award is awarded NOK 50.000,- presented by Altibox, along with marketing and distribution on Altibox' streaming platform.
The award goes to a filmmaker exhibiting a boldness and creative talent Altibox wishes to honor and offer further support.
1. GNISTPRISEN Kari Nøst Hegseth

Kari Nøst Hegseth is Head of Programming at HUMAN International Documentary Film Festival. She has previously worked for festivals such as Mirage, Kortfilmfestivalen and Oslo/Fusion, among others. She has a background in social science, and studied documentary directing at OsloMet. She is co-owner in the production company Morild Film.


Terje Dale is a software developer and senior consultant at Altibox. Terje has extensive experience from NRK, as a photographer, editor, director, multi-camera producer and editor of Norwegian and international documentaries. For the last few years he has worked as a commissioning officer in Oslo, with documentaries as his main area.

2. GNISTPRISEN Tore Tomter

Tore Tomter works as a consultant for Altibox in connection with acquisitions of short films, documentaries, and animated films. He previously worked for NRK, as Head of Documentary Acquisition since 1991.


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