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The winner of the Golden Chair for Best Music Video is awarded NOK 50.000 presented by Oslo fotokunstskole.

Marina D. Richter is a Vienna-based film critic, script consultant and a writer. Since 2005, she is the foreign correspondent for film and art for the Serbian newspaper Politika. She is a regular film columnist for the Montenegrian film magazine Objektiv and writer for Asian Movie Pulse. Her film reviews and interviews have been published in Cineuropa, in Estonia’s cultural weekly Sirp, Serbia’s weekly Vreme, Austria’s Celluloid Magazine, EFA’s newsletters, VICE, and the Slovak Film.sk. She also contributes to the online daily Lupiga. Marina is a member of Serbian Fipresci, the Alliance of Women Film Journalists, and the European Film Academy.


Brwa Vahabpour is a filmmaker from Trondheim and a graduate from Film Art School in Kabelvåg and the Norwegian Film School at Lillehammer. He has directed several award-winning short films including Pomegranate, The Shepherd, and Silence. The latter won Screen Talent Europe’s Pitching Forum at the Norwegian Short Film Festival in 2019, and editor Brynjar Lien Aune won The Norwegian Film Workers Association’s Technical Award for his work on the film at the festival the following year. Vahabpour has also worked as an episode director on the award-winning series Countrymen, co-produced by Arte France, and won the Special Interpretation Prize and the High School Prize for Best Series at Canneseries 2021, where it premiered. He is currently finishing his feature film debut, Europa.


Viviana Vega, born in Las Palmas, Gran Canaria, is a film critic and cultural commentator who writes for Norwegian newspaper Morgenbladet. She is also a musician with a long history in Oslo’s musical underground scene.

In addition to having played in several different bands, she started her solo project WHALESHARKATTACKS, released by Metronomicon Audio record company.

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