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Meet The Filmmakers

Every year the shorts team at Sundance goes through thousands of film submissions from around the world. This past year we collectively went through over 10,000 short films and we narrowed it down to 74. Of that, I’m proud to share a sampling of that group with the Norwegian Short Film Festival here that gives a taste of the breadth and variety of the work we curated. These are only some of the most exciting voices working within the short form within this past year and we hope you enjoy them as much as we did. – Adam Piron

The Sundance Film Festival takes place each year in Park City and Salt Lake City, Utah. The festival brings the most original storytellers together with the most adventurous audiences for its annual programme of dramatic and documentary films, installations, performances, panel discussions, and music events. Since 1985, hundreds of films launched at the festival have gained critical recognition, received commercial distribution, and reached audiences worldwide.

The short film program is assembled by a team of ten programmers who watched every single one of the more than 10,000 short film submissions for 2020. During our 2020 edition there were five short film programs, as well as short programs in sections for documentary, animation, and midnight films, and a handful of short films that played before features. All short films are considered for jury awards.

The selection presented here has been curated for The Norwegian Short Film Festival by Sundance shorts programmer Adam Piron. It offers a sampling of the 2020 short film catalogue, including thought-provoking, powerful and boundary-pushing documentaries and narratives.


Sundance Film Festival finner sted hvert år i Park City og Salt Lake City i Utah, USA. Festivalen bringer de mest originale historiefortellerne sammen med det mest eventyrlystne publikummet for sitt årlige program av spille- og dokumentarfilm, installasjoner, opptredener, paneldiskusjoner og musikk. Siden 1985 har hundrevis av filmer lansert på festivalen mottatt kritikerros, kommersiell distribusjon, og nådd publikum verden over.

Kortfilmprogrammet settes sammen av et team på ti programmerere som så hver eneste av de 10.000 bidragene som ble sendt inn for 2020. Under 2020-festivalen presenterte vi fem kortfilmprogram, i tillegg til kortfilmprogram i seksjonene for dokumentar, animasjon og midnattsvisninger, samt en håndfull titler som ble vist foran langfilmer. Alle kortfilmene er med i konkurransen om jurypriser.

Filmene som presenteres her er satt sammen av Sundances kortfilmprogrammerer Adam Piron. De gir en liten smak på 2020-katalogen, som inkluderer tankevekkende, sterke og grensesprengende fortellinger i fiksjon- og dokumentarformat.


Adam Piron

Adam Piron is a member of the Sundance Film Festival’s Short Film Programming Team and also programs shorts for AFI Fest and Film Independent’s LA Film Festival. From 2014 to 2017, he served as a Manager for Sundance Institute’s Native American and Indigenous Film Program. Piron has served on competition juries and panels for film festivals such as imagineNATIVE Film Festival, Big Sky Documentary Film festival, Maoriland Film Festival, Palm Springs International Shortfest, Hot Springs Film Festival, and Art House Convergence. He has served as a Mentor for the Whistler Film Festival’s Aboriginal Filmmaker Fellowship and as a NATIVe Partner Representative at the Berlin International Film Festival. He has also guest programmed showcases of Native Cinema at the Borscht Film Festival and the Eastern Oregon Film Festival and has also been a reader for Creative Capital.

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