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The Golden Chair Winners 2024

From several thousand submitted films, 156 were selected for this year’s competition program at the Grimstad Short Film Festival. At this screening, you will find the films that won the Golden Chair in the four categories, Norwegian Short Film, International Short Film, Short Documentary, and Music Video, as well as the winner of the Terje Vigen Award, which is given to a short film that stands out particularly in the Norwegian competition program. 

Fear not, if you’re not able to catch the extra screening. You can watch all the winners on our digital platform, along with the rest of the competition program. The films are available untill june 22. 

Sunday 12:00 Catilina

The juries’ notes:

The Golden Chair for best music video 2024

The winner of this year’s Golden chair goes to a music video that hits you like a punch in the gut both musically and visually, and the video successfully conveys the energy of the music, and the temperament of the lyrics. The timing and inspired use of framing draws you into the experience. It elevates a depressingly familiar scenario and adds vitality to it. This year’s Golden Chair for best music video goes to Avanti by Honningbarna, directed by Sander August Dahl.

The Golden Chair for best international short film in 2024

The Jury for the International Competition give the award to a film which provides a warning against the rising tide of cruelty and inhumanity in the world yet is also a paean to those who make a stand and find the strength to help their fellow humans. With a style that is deceptively simple, with affecting moments of triumph and tragedy emphasised through visuals alone, the film lays bare the scale of a current humanitarian crisis with poignancy as the film’s skilfully realised aesthetic allows the audience to focus on the subject. The winner of the Golden Chair is the animation There Are People in the Forest by Szymon Ruczynski.

The Golden Chair for best short documentary 2024

The jury was bewitched by this formally eloquent and layered story of inherited toxicity that finds two women of a small community pitted against each other over a wall. The filmmaker captures with great skill the sinister forces at play that permeate the story on and off screen, at the same time providing insight on the greater cultural and religious context. The jury awards The Golden Chair for Best Short Documentary to Under land.

The Terje Vigen Award for 2024

Telling an urgent story in a gripping yet disciplined way, this long short film moves so rapidly that it feels about half its length, documenting a movement that is both highly visible and frequently misunderstood, right from its frontlines. Although the climate crisis is the key global challenge of our time, it is rarely portrayed with his much dramatic intelligence and storytelling skill, as out of a multitude of characters and many protest actions and events, a sobering but inspiring portrait emerges of a generation fighting, on the streets and in the courtrooms, for a future that ought to have been their birthright. The Terje Vigen Award goes to Thomas Østbye’s Civil Disobedience.

The Golden Chair for best Norwegian short film 2024

Mellom kun tre personer i ett enkelt rom kan det eksistere et nærmest uendelig nettverk av forbindelser, motvilje og misforståelser. Vinnerfilmen retter et ironisk, observerende blikk over et slikt rom, med en teft for ugagn som gir en leken, absurd «edge» til selv den mest bitende innsikt. Så vris filmen uventet over fra ett register til et annet, og dette mesterstykket av en kortfilm blir til en brekkstang som åpner en helt Pandoras eske av kulturell og klassebasert dynamikk ettersom en hjemlig setting viser seg også å være en arbeidsplass hvor vår uttrykkelig uttrykksløse heltinne er ikke helt en tjener, men heller ikke helt en gjest. Gullstolen for beste norkse kortfilm går til Kari Holtan for hennes vittige, overraskende, skarpsindige Homage Au Pair.

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