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Moving From Shorts to Features​

Fanny Ovesen, Ellen Ugelstad and Halfdan Ullmann Tøndel are all experienced directors who in recent years have made notable and award-winning short films, also screened here in Grimstad. All three have taken the plunge and moved feature film format, and they’re all at different stages with their first or second feature.

In a conversation moderated by filmmaker Gunhild Enger, we will look at similarities and differences in work processes, how to approach various tasks, and learn more about the challenges and the joys you may encounter when moving from short to feature film.

*This talk will be in Norwegian.

Friday 13:00 Galleriet

Fanny Ovesen has a bachelor in social sciences and media from Sweden, and a director’s degree from The Norwegian Film School. Her graduation film «SHE-PACK» premiered at the Berlinale and won numerous awards – among them the Amanda Award for Best Norwegian Short. In 2020 Fanny directed episodes on the drama series «Nach» for Discovery+. In 2021 she directed the SVT series «All that is left». In 2024 Fanny’s first feature film will premiere, «Live a little». During the development she won the Nordic Talents Pitch Prize, the Swedish Film Institute’s «Wild Card», and the Anna Prize – awarded for the project’s relevance to the UN Women’s Convention.

Oslo-based filmmaker Ellen Ugelstad received her BFA in Motion Picture and Television from the Academy of Arts University, in San Francisco. She is founder of the collective 21 Pictures, an independent production company focusing on film, art and distribution. Ugelstad’s work often explores the thin line between sanity and insanity, the hierarchy of power, and different forms of reality. Her hybrid feature The Recovery Channel had its international premiere at CPH:DOX 2024.

Halfdan Ullmann Tøndel studied directing at Westerdals School of Arts. He made his film debut with the short Bird Hearts (2015), which won the Golden Chair Award at Kortfilmfestivalen in 2016. His next short film, Fanny, premiered in 2017. Both films received Amanda Award nominations, and were on Cineuropa’s best European short films of the year.
His debut feature film Armand, just had its world premiere in Un Certain Regard at Cannes Film Festival. 

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