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Speed Dates

The Norwegian Short Film Festival’s annual Speed Date is back – one-to-one meetings where Norwegian directors and producers meet international programmers, distributors and agents.

Speed Dates is an important platform for making personal connections and establishing a network of international programmers and distributors. The goal isn’t necessarily so short-term (and stressful), that your current film must secure a deal, but rather to build relationships to help further your career and future films. Programmers and distributors are always looking for fresh voices and exciting directors and producers, and want to pick up the next big film early in the process.

A short film’s tour on the festival circuit is very important for both director and producer. At the same time, with an ever expanding jungle of festivals around the world, it can be a difficult and confusing journey. Think long term, value new contacts. This is a goal-oriented and efficient way to strengthen bonds between the Norwegian film industry and important international actors.

*Speed Dates is by invitation only. 

Friday 10:00 Clarion Collection Hotel Grimstad

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