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A sister and a brother, and the fear of fornication.

Dag Johan Haugerud

Dag Johan Haugerud is a Norwegian author, filmmaker and librarian who grew up in Eidsberg. He has a librarian degree from Oslo University College, film studies from Stockholm University, theater studies from the University of Oslo and author studies from Telemark University College. He has won a number of awards for the films I Belong and Beware of Children. For I Belong, he won the classes best director and best screenplay during both the Amanda Prize 2013 and the Canon Prize 2012 as well as best innovations during the Canon Prize. For Beware of Children, he again won the classes best director and best screenplay during both the Amanda Award 2020 and the Canon Award 2019 and the film itself won a total of nine Amanda awards. Fornication was the winner of The Golden Chair 2001 for best Norwegian short film.

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