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Turning Man - 81RPM

Turning Man - 81RPM

Der Dreher - 81RPM

Jürgen Leppert, also known as «Der Dreher» or «der Kreisel» is a graduate engineer, speaker inventor, 360 degree dancer, gifted Frisbee player and thoroughbred ‘68-er. Everything revolves around the Karlsruher legend, and not just on the dance floor. A declaration of love to music, dancing and rebellion. A portrait of a tough person who still swims against the stream, and the living proof that 81 years is far from too old for hard raves.

Robin Trouillet

Robin Trouillet

Robin Trouillet, 27, studies media, art and production in Offenburg. As a filmmaker and director he searches for stories and pictures that affect people, no matter which genre. Beside his studies he works as a freelancer and is always open for new unconventional ideas.

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