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The Visit


African tropical forest. A dark figure escapes through the thicket. The hunters’ shouting grows. The chimpanzee’s eyes shine in her dark face. She is breathing heavily, fleeing through the jungle. The frightened animal reaches a beautiful colonial villa and enters inside. Leaving her natural environment, she will stand before an important choice. The Visit is a film that asks the question of where humanity begins.

Mateusz Jarmulski

Mateusz Jarmulski

Mateusz Jarmulski is a director and scriptwriter of animated films as well as an animator. He graduated from Lodz Film School where he studied animation. His films have been broadcasted on TV and screened and awarded at festivals, among others in Stuttgart, Seoul and Hiroshima. His previous short The Hunt went to over 40 festivals worldwide. The Visit is his latest short.

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