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Ane and Andrea are having sex and are incredibly thirsty. Life goes on outside their room, but they want to continue, they don’t want to stop now that they are finally together. They kiss and fuck until they are spent, until help from outside has to come and rescue them.

SP OsloFusion PRIORITIES - Tamara Lucarini Cortés

Tamara Lucarini Cortés

Tamara Lucarini Cortés made her short film debut in 2018 with No es coma. In 2019, she took part in the Noka mentoring programme with her documentary El Peso. Her second short film, Txango, is the result of a scholarship from the Mendi Film Festival in 2021, the year in which she took part in the Auskera mentoring programme with Prioridades. She is currently working on the screenplay for El jabalí arrúa, her first fiction feature film.

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