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Representatives from a major security brand, an advertising agency and a production company meet at a so-called offline meeting, to try to agree on the final cut on a commercial film. The commercial is supposed to promote the company’s diverse profile, but when the client thinks two of the black actors look too much alike, problems arise. World premiere.

NKD6 OFFLINE Mauritz Brekke Solberg, Daniel Fure Schwarz

Mauritz Brekke Solberg, Daniel Fure Schwarz

Mauritz Brekke Solberg & Daniel Fure Schwarz took their Bachelors in directing at Westerdals film school in Oslo and started the production company Férdi Film with 5 partners right out of school. Their bachelor project Birthright got attention when it ended up in the final of Student-BAFTA 2018 and the project is now in development as a TV drama. Mauritz and Daniel have often written and co-directed projects. On their previous short July, Daniel wrote and Mauritz directed.

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