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Nocturnal Burger

Nishachar Burger

Minu has never eaten a burger. Simi has always hated the fortune-telling robots at the beach. The two would have never met if their night didn’t get catapulted into an investigation of abuse at a dysfunctional police station.


Reema Maya

Reema Maya aka Reema Sengupta studied Contemporary Media Practice at the University of Westminster, London. Her short film Counterfeit Kunkoo world premiered at Sundance Film Festival in 2018, and has played over 120 film festivals, winning 40 awards. Through her production studio CATNIP, Reema has directed commercials for highly successful brands, such as ‘Propah Lady’ for Puma. She has created campaign films for numerous global brands and worked with international music labels, and created music videos. Reema was awarded the prestigious Asian Film Academy Fellowship Award in 2012. Watch her work here: https://vimeo.com/catnipculture

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