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Les Grands Prés

Somewhere in a forest the wind rises.

IKD5 - Les G P - regi

Sophia Remer, Michael Karrer

Sophia Remer was born in 1991 in Freiburg, Germany. She studied photography at the Folkwang University of the Arts in Essen. In 2021 she got her MFA degree from the Art Institute in Basel, and in the same year her first written work, the essay Ich zeichne Kreise auf ein Blatt, der Stein fällt ins Wasser (I draw circles on a leaf, the stone falls into the water), was published by Vexer Verlag. She currently lives and works in Zurich.

Michael Karrer graduated with a MA in Directing Fiction at Zurich University of the Arts in 2022. His Master film 22:47 Linie 34 (2019), premiered and won the main prize in the Swiss competition at the Internationale Kurzfilmtage in Winterthur. It screened at numerous international film festivals, including Kortfilmfestivalen. In 2023, his debut feature film Burning Fire premiered at the “Bright Future” Section of the International Film Festival Rotterdam.

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