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Lilly (10) does whatever she can to hide the fact that her mother drinks, but her secret is found out by the person she fears the most. But sometimes the smallest act means the world for a person in need.

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Endre Lund Eriksen, Daniel Damm

Endre Lund Eriksen is an award-winning author of children’s books and manager at Fabelfjord film company. He wrote the feature film screenplays for Pitbullterje (2005) and Svein and the Rat and the UFO Mystery(2006), and for Fabelfjord he wrote the short films Dunder (2016), Drawn to Trouble (2017), and Rudy and the Lightning Monster (2019).

Daniel Damm is a Swedish animator and director, and founder of the Swedish-Croatian animation studio Damm it!.

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