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Foill - Drunk



A teenage girl sneaks out of the bedroom window to get drunk, and has to use all her strength to get home safely.

Rune Denstad Langlo

Rune Denstad Langlo

Rune Denstad Langlo was born and raised in Trondheim, Norway. He started working as a production assistant in the film company Motlys in Oslo, Norway, and eventually began directing documentaries. In 2009 he directed his first Feature film North, which won the prize “Berlin Europa Cinemas Label ex aequo” at Berlin Film Festival. Rune also was celebrated as “Best emerging Filmmaker” at Tribeca Film Festival 2009. In 2014 he directed his first short film Foul which was also screened at Tribeca Film Festival and was nominated for the Norwegian Emmys for best short film. Since then Rune has directed two feature films and several TV-series.

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