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Dual of the Senses

A woman dresses as a man. A man dresses as a woman. What happens when their paths cross?Heidi Arnesen’s short film debut is a playful film about gender and identity.

Dual of the senses_Heidi Arnesen

Heidi Arnesen

Heidi Arnesen has extensive experience from the TV industry both as a producer and director. As a director, she made a number of short films while studying and working in San Francisco. In 1998 she debuted as a feature film director with the comedy Some Prefer Cake and back in Norway she directed in 2007 the short film Spinning, which won awards at NYC Short Film Festival and Skeive Filmer (now Oslo / Fusion). She has directed and produced TV series such as Hotel Cæsar, Alt for Rognan, Kjendisbarnevakten and Den magiske kroppen. She has been a partner in Cylinder Production AS since 2015 and makes short films and information films for the state and business. Their latest production, Night Ride, has won several awards, including the Kritikerprisen during the Short Film Festival 2020 and the audience award during Oslo/Fusion the same year. It will be screened in June 2022 at the Tribeca Film Festival in New York.

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