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Becoming Male in the Middle Ages

While Mirene and André struggle with fertility, Vicente decides to undergo an experimental procedure in hopes of having a child with Carl. An intimate tale about queer sexuality, bodily autonomy, reproductive desires, and the ghost of normativity.

EFA 2 - Becoming Male in the Middle Ages - Pedro Neves Marques

Pedro Neves Marques

Pedro Neves Marques is a director, visual artist, and writer (b. 1984, Lisbon). Their cinema releases include the short fiction films The Bite, which premiered at TIFF – Wavelengths and NYFF – Projections in 2019 and was awarded at Go Short Nijmegen, Short Waves, Sicilia Queer Film Festival, MixBrasil, and MIEFF, and Exterminator Seed which premiered at IndieLisboa in 2017. They also directed the short political documentary Art and Hurt (2018). 

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