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Closing night party

After all the build-up of tension and expectations before the Awards Ceremony, it’s time to lower our shoulders, take a breath, and head down to Apotekergaarden’s backyard for our annual Closing Night Party.

Here we continue our celebration of the award winners, as well as all the filmmakers, guests, partners, contributors, and volunteers – you who make the Norwegian Short Film Festival in Grimstad such a special event!

Thank you all for joining us – we are excited to celebrate our 47th year with you!

Sola Wang has been igniting dance floors for nearly 8 years as a DJ, drummer, and event producer. With a burning passion for electronic club music, he plays eclectic sets and maintains a heart-pounding tempo with deep and warm tones. His focus is on pounding percussion and bass, relentless for those who enjoy a good party! 

Saturday 20:00 Apotekergården

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