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The Debris

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For Fabian, it’s all a game: Finding straight men who are curious, taking them home, undressing them one piece at a time. For Martin, everything is a health hazard. Until he meets Fabian.

World Premiere

IKD 6 The Debris - regissører

Frédéric Jaeger, Nino Klingler

Frédéric Jaeger, born in 1984, studied film and philosophy at the Free University of Berlin as well as Art and Media at the Berlin University of the Arts. His short films screened at numerous festivals, such as Go Short, Max Ophüls Preis and Underdox, as well as in Dresden, Hof, Oslo, Grimstad, Paris, Bucharest, Moscow, and São Paulo. Before turning to filmmaking, he worked as a film critic for twenty years and as a festival programmer for ten.

Nino Klingler, born in 1984, is a filmmaker and film critic living in Berlin. He always works collaboratively, having realized a number of short films and a web series. His works have been shown at festivals in Berlin, Hof, Paris, Nijmegen, São Paulo, among others. As a film critic, he publishes mainly in the German-language magazine critic.de. Besides filmmaking, Nino works as a project manager for the NGO Allianz Foundation. He studied film and philosophy in Berlin and Istanbul.

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