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Ein film om eit «du» som er innesperra.

Sáhtašii leat vearrátge

The film follows two schoolgirls living on the northern edge of Scandinavia during the coronavirus quarantine time in spring 2020. The kids compare their lives to people living in other places, and how the situation could be worse for them. Sáhtášii leat vearrátge is part of International Sámi Film Institute’s Home Sweet Home mini-series which […]

Suodji (Shelter)

Suodji is a short film adaptation of an old story from Utsjoki, Sápmi, to the present. It is a legend of what the director’s relative, Ovllá-Ivvár Helander, did during the Spanish flu epidemic in 1918 in Utsjoki. Ovllá decided to fool Death and take his fate into his own hands. Shelter is part of International […]


Smurftastisk forelskelse! Da koronakrisen brått ødela lanseringsplanene til artisten Cathrin sin nye singel «KITE», kastet regissør og ektemann Christian Scharning seg rundt. Sammen med døtrene Nico og Billie Lou lagde de en hjemmesnekkra musikkvideo på kjøkkenbenken, kun ved hjelp av barnas leker og en god slump fantasi. Låta «KITE» handler om den totale vårforelskelsen, og […]

duorggat doarggistit (trembling floors)

In duorggat doarggistit, 4 small birches (duorga) are cut by a lake on the tundra. The trees are stifled, and the twigs are taken. The trunks are left behind standing in the landscape. duorggat doarggistit is part of International Sámi Film Institute’s Home Sweet Home mini-series which was released on ISFI’s streaming service Sapmifilm.com in […]

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