Pierre Hodgson has worked as script consultant for filmmaker Emilie Blichfeldt in the making of her upcoming feature debut, Askepotts stesøster (The Stepsister), and the two are also collaborating on several upcoming projects.
The film was recently given almost 18 million NOK in production by NFI. It is described by Maria Ekerhovd as “A groundbreaking, beautiful and entertaining film, which will change your view on the stepsister forever”.
Film talk is a series of seminars where directors are in conversation with other central and important professional functions in the process of making a film. We wish to create an open and inviting conversation about their process and experiences that can inspire other filmmakers.
Poerre and Emilie will meet for a conversation on their work with the script.
This program is in collaboration with The Norwegian Embassy in Paris.
The conversation takes place Thursday 18:00 PM in Pan and is moderated by Gunnhild Enger.
The Norwegian Short Film Festival / kortfilm@kortfilmfestivalen.no
Kortfilmfestivalen i Grimstad
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