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2. IKD4 Three Hares

Three Hares

Three Hares weaves an enchanting creation myth together with the mystical origin story of the ancient three hares symbol, into a tale about three sisters who must remind mankind to respect the earth in order to protect their future.

European premiere


IKD Three Hares - Paloma Baeza

Paloma Baeza

Paloma Baeza is a director of Mexican descent based in London, initially pursued acting, starring in British TV dramas and indie films. She moved into directing with the comedy short film, Watchmen, which she wrote with Cillian Murphy, who also starred in the film which was shortlisted for a number of prestigious film festivals. Paloma’s first animated film, Poles Apart won several awards, including the 2018 BAFTA for Best British Animated Short Film. Paloma’s most recent film was released on Netflix in 2022, as part of an adult stop-motion animated anthology called The House.

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