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IKD1 - 5. The Lovers

The Lovers

A man and a woman are having dinner when the man’s appearance suddenly begins to change. A stop motion relationship horror film and unromantic comedy about a couple forced to deal with escalating bodily transformations.

IKD The Lovers- Carolina Sandvik

Carolina Sandvik

Carolina Sandvik, born in 1988 in Avesta, is a filmmaker and artist based in Malmö, Sweden. She finished her Master in Fine Arts from Malmö Art Academy in 2019. Her short film The Expected won the Best Swedish Short Dragon Award at Göteborg Film Festival and Børge Ring Award at Odense Film Festival 2021. In addition to film festivals, her work has recently been shown at art venues such as Malmö Art Museum and Färgfabriken in Stockholm. Her latest project The Lovers won Best Short Comedy Pitch at Torino Short Film Market 2021.

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