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6. IKD 10 The Edges

The Edges (KD)

A group of laborers who carry goods on their backs across the Iran-Iraq border are called «Kolbar». The Edges shed light on their daily struggle and the dangers they face in their line of work, which is often a last resort in order to make a living.

World premiere

IKD The Edges - Seyed Adel Rahmati

Seyed Adel Rahmati

Sayed Adel Rahmati is a multifaceted artist with a passion for filmmaking, photography, and film criticism. He holds a bachelor’s degree in cinema and has established himself as an independent filmmaker whose work stands out for its profound storytelling, visual artistry, and ability to evoke deep emotions in audiences.

Rahmati’s creative journey has led him to direct and produce three compelling documentaries and two short films, garnering acclaim at various film festivals.

With a firm belief that «I make films, therefore I am,» Rahmati continues to explore the human experience through his lens. His dedication to his craft and his commitment to creating formalist and impactful films have solidified his position as a rising filmmaker in the international film community.

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