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Shut Up You Idiot_Karrar Al-Azzawi

Shut up, you idiot

After a destructive loss, a disillusioned man becomes ruthless, and finds solace in scaring and harassing others. An unexpected encounter forces him to confront the cost of his anger, and consider redemption.

Karrar Al-Azzawi

Karrar Al-Azzawi

Karrar Al-Azzawi is an Iraqi-Norwegian filmmaker and cinematographer, with a degree in film directin from Lillehammer School of Television. His debut film, Baghdad on Fire, world premiered at CPH:DOX 2023 and was nominated for the FACT:AWARD. The film won Per Væringsaas award at Movies on War and audience awards at Nordic/Docs, Twin Cities Arab, and Festival CitéCiné – le Festival International du Film Politique. Baghdad on Fire has also been shown on Al Jazeera, NRK, BBC, DR, France TV, Al Araby TV and Aftenposten.

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