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3. NKD2 P Å R Ø R E N D E R O M M E T

Next of Kin

In Next of Kin we meet an intimate support group for relatives of psychiatric patients. The film delves into the delicate interplay between selfless caregiving and the imperative of self-preservation.

*World Premiere

3. NKD2 P Å R Ø R E N D E R O M M E T - Ellen Fugelstad

Ellen Ugelstad

Oslo-based filmmaker Ellen Ugelstad received her BFA in Motion Picture and Television from the Academy of Arts University, in San Francisco. She is founder of the collective 21 Pictures, an independent production company focusing on film, art and distribution. Ugelstad’s work often explores the thin line between sanity and insanity, the hierarchy of power, and different forms of reality. Her hybrid feature The Recovery Channel had its international premiere at CPH:DOX 2024.

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