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6. IKD2 Massacre of the Innocents

Massacre of the Innocents

Minou and her mother check in at a hotel after leaving their home due to the big forest fire. When Minou glances into the hotel’s renaissance painting she opens her eyes to all the things the grownups are ignoring.

IKD Massacre of the Innocents - SaraKlara Hellström

SaraKlara Hellström

SaraKlara Hellström is an up-and-coming director from Sweden. With a background in casting and scriptwriting she started to work with her own films. Her second short Bromance won the Dragon Award Best Swedish Short at Göteborg Film Festival and was the winner of 1 KM film at Stockholm Film Festival i 2022. She’s always had an interest in working within multiple styles and genres. Massacre of the Innocents is her third short and her first collaboration with the production company Pine. Together with Pine she’s now working on her first feature film called The Art of Enjoyment.

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