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Klappelek3_Alicia Frøy Diaz Alvarez


At a garden party, two women must find a way to pass the time. Their solution is strangely flamencan.

Alicia Frøy Diaz Alvarez

Alicia Frøy Diaz Alvarez Johnsen

Alicia Frøy Diaz Alvarez Johnsen is an animator and short film maker who graduated from University for the Creative Arts in Farnham, UK. Her animated student short films Sensory (2021), You Should Take A Walk (2021) and Runner (2022) have played festivals such as Minimalen, DepicT!, Fredrikstad Animation Festival, and MONSTRA Festival. Based in Oslo, she has recently explored live action filmmaking and co-directed a music video, in addition to her animated works. Johnsen’s films are primarily about feelings, exploring how to visualize an emotional life in realistic, abstract and absurd ways.

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