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5. IKD10 Deer Bell

Deer Bell (KD)


Deer Bell follows a day in the life of a Roma family in rural Hungary. It focuses on the children, who are raised by their grandparents. This short documentary was made under Béla Tarr’s mentorship, during his Masterclass.

Norwegian premiere

IKD Deer Bell - Edit Jakab

Edit Jakab

Edit Jakab is a Budapest-based filmmaker and professor. Her films have screened at over 80 film festivals globally, so far receiving 27 awards. Jakab is Associate Professor at Károli Gáspár University where she teaches filmmaking, amongst other things. She has a Ph.D. in Linguistics from Princeton University and an MFA in Film from Ohio University, where she also taught scriptwriting. She is in the process of financing her first feature film under the working title Rootless

Read more at paprikafilmproductions.com

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