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Tjena tjavo

Tommy’s Grill is a meeting point for the Roma community. Here, a tightly-knit, but motley crew of people gather to eat and talk. When a lone young guy visits the restaurant one evening, rumors begin to spread and Tommy is forced to revisit traumatic memories.

STE 1. CHAVO - Alecio Araci

Alecio Araci

Alecio Araci has a bachelor’s degree in film directing from Valand Academy, and a background in DIY and underground culture. His love for genre and exploitation films is an influence in his work projects, where  he constantly strives to find that intriguing balance between the bizarre and the everyday. With his latest short film Chavo, which won the STE Pitching Forum 2018, he wants to open up a discussion about identity, sexuality, origins and the burden that can arise when these parameters are not compatible with each other. Alecio is currently developing a horror short film and is in pre-production for a thriller feature film.

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