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Ativio, Pieces of Wood

Eleven year old Guénolé lives in Agotimé Adamé, a very small village three hours from Lomé in Togo. He dreams of playing the piano he does not have, but with an obvious musical sensitivity, he will manage to play without one.

SP Durban ATIVIO PIECES OF WOOD Juliette Boucheny

Juliette Boucheny

Juliette Boucheny is an actor, screenwriter and director who divides her time between projects in France and in Togo in West Africa. She studied drama at the Ecole du Jeu in Paris, then learned screenwriting and production by working on the development side of various film series created by Groupe Elephant. Ativio, Pieces of Wood is her second short film, filmed in Togo after she received the award for Best Screenplay from Paris’ Festival Côté Court in 2020.