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2. IKD9 13


Mica is completely hooked on her cell phone. Dive into the world of a girl obsessed with sex in the midst of the world of rainbows, unicorns and barbies that still inhabit that childhood she insists on denying.

Norwegian premiere

IKD9 13 - Màriam Zelaia

Màriam Zelaia

Màriam Zelaia has a Degree in Audiovisual Communication from CEU of Valencia. She has been working as an Assistant Director and Director for more than 15 years. She has directed and produced several video clips, among which the last one The Seed stands out with several official selections. She has also been second unit director for Spannish fiction TV-series at Mediaset Spain. 13 is her debut as short film director, and has won prizes at Spanish film festivals. She is currently developing her first feature film.

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