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Filmkritiker + Gnist ENG

Project Dad

Camilla’s dad is a pick-up artist who teaches other men how to succeed on Tinder. Camilla is an artist and a feminist, and there’s not much she and her father agree on. How can they maintain a strong bond?

7. NKD5 PROJEKT PAPPA - Camilla Jämting

Camilla Stefanie Jämting

Camilla Jämting is an experimental filmmaker and performance artist from Gothenburg. Through her artistry, she delves into the depths of human experience, driven by the interplay between hidden truths and public personas. Camilla’s artistic journey includes studies in fine arts at Domen Artschool and KV Art School in Gothenburg. Camilla is currently in her third year of motion picture studies at Filmkunstskolen in Kabelvåg, affiliated with the University of Tromsø. 

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