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The Final Chapter

Frøydis, a survivor of neglect and violence during her upbringing, has cut off all contact with her parents. When she hears that her father is dying of cancer, it triggers a complex and painful emotional response. 

1. NKD9 SISTE KAPITTEL - Frøydis Fossli Moe

Frøydis Fossli Moe

Frøydis Fossli Moe is an award-winning filmmaker with a master’s degree in film directing from Screen Academy Scotland. She has directed several acclaimed short films including Hemale Education, Round 2 and The Day After, which have been screened at prestigious festivals such as The Norwegian Short Film Festival in Grimstad, Göteborg Film Festival, Nordic Panorama and BFI Future Film Festival. With her unique vision and creative talent, Frøydis continues to produce high-quality films that engage and resonate with audiences.

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