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Panel: The road to International attention (in Norwegian only)

The Norwegian Film Institute has played an important part internationally in promoting Norwegian short films, registering them at international film festivals and arranging industry screenings for new Norwegian shorts. However, in 2020 NFI stopped registrering Norwegian short films for international film festivals and today there are no Scandinavian industry screenings at the film festival in Clermont Ferrand.

The international market is overwhelming and elaborate, and it takes many years to build knowledge and relations. How can we who work with mediation of short films facilitate and collaborate so that filmmakers and producers find their way to international screenings of their films. 

Kortfilmkonventet, Minimalen, Fredrikstad Animation Festival, The regional film centers, The Norwegian Short Film Festival and NFI meet for a talk Thursday, 10:00 AM, at Galleriet. Vibeke Skistad will hold the talk. 


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